Think it’s only women that get liposuction? Think again! According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), male patients account for roughly one in ten of all surgical procedures, and back in 2014, Harley Street’s Private Clinic reported a 150% rise in the number of men booking in for Vaser liposuction – the very technique we specialise in here at Advanced Lipo Centre.
So why do men turn to liposuction? Let’s have a look at some of the factors…
Weight loss
Of course, weight loss is one of the key reasons why both men and women turn to liposuction. It helps to streamline and smooth the shape, getting rid of lumps and bumps for a more toned appearance. Many men who have tried dieting and had no results will turn to liposuction to help them achieve the weight loss results they want.
Both men and women are constantly bombarded with images of fit and healthy models – men see endless images of other chaps with rippling torsos, defined biceps and even muscular thighs, in adverts, in sports, in movies and in music videos. It’s little wonder many men feel insecure about their physique and turn to Vaser liposuction as the answer.
Not every man can look like they’ve just sprung from the cover of Men’s Health. Sometimes, no matter how hard you diet and no matter how long you spend in the gym, you just can’t achieve that incredible definition that makes front page models look so fantastic. Vaser liposuction for men is a great way to boost definition and sculpt a shape that both men and women will go crazy for. From getting that extra definition in the abdominal region, to contouring the biceps for a muscular look, Vaser liposuction can help men go that little bit further in their bid for a rippling body.
Awareness of results
Could it be possible that women are more aware of the results that can be achieved by liposuction? We certainly think so – it’s a constant feature in women’s magazines and it’s not a taboo subject among friends anymore. An increasing number of men are also opening up about their results and showing other men exactly what can be achieved. We heard of one chap that wanted to look his best before his wedding – he already ate well and exercised regularly, he just wanted a little extra definition for his wife-to-be! One of his friends went in for Vaser liposuction and showed him the results – and he was sold! He went in for Vaser liposuction before the wedding and was thrilled with his new physique (and presumably, so was his bride!).
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- Vaser Liposuction For The Abdomen/Stomach
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