The steady rise of the phrase ‘bingo wings’ in our common vernacular has made a generation of men and women worry about how streamlined their arms are. And with celebrities like Rihanna and Ryan Gosling showing off their honed biceps and triceps at every chance, it’s little wonder thousands of people are turning to liposuction in order to get that defined, toned look.
What are my options?
Those who feel uncomfortable exposing their arms to the world have a few different options. They can invest in an array of sensible cardigans and jackets and never showcase their skin again – and this is the route many people do take. But here at Advanced Lipo Centre, we want people to feel happy and comfortable with their own body.
We don’t want you covering up your insecurities – we want to rid you of them.
The second option is traditional liposuction – but this is often not an option for those who need to use their arms as part of their job. Traditional liposuction requires quite a long period of recovery, and exercise is off the cards for weeks, or even months. Those who rely on their arms as part of their career will find it hard to justify the cost of the procedure, and the cost of taking so much time off work.
And the third option…?
The third option, of course, is Vaser liposuction. Getting Vaser liposuction on your arms is simple and easy – you can walk out of the clinic within a matter of hours, and return to work just a few days later. The process is gentle and non-invasive – the only incisions we’ll make will be a few millimetres here and there, with tiny cannulas to drain off the upper-arm fat.
Vaser liposuction is highly precise – not only can it smooth out the lumps and bumps on your upper arms, it can give you the definition you’ve always dreamed of. Men – that means you too! If you’ve ever wished for rippling biceps or muscular triceps, we can create that toned and muscular look using our advanced Vaser liposuction solutions.
Vaser Liposuction Results
Just hours after your Vaser procedure, you’ll see results. You could walk out of our clinic wearing a vest and show off your new, slimline arms to everyone you see! The nature of Vaser also means that some of the fat in the area will continue to break down for a few days after the procedure, with the body excreting it naturally. You could be thrilled with the results of your Vaser procedure, only to look in the mirror two weeks later and find that your arms have improved even further!
- What is the difference between Vaser Liposuction & the Other Methods of Liposuction
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- Prepare Yourself for a Lipo Treatment
- Side Effects and After Effects of Vaser Liposuction
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- Vaser Liposuction for Arms
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