Liposuction and gastric bands are two surgical procedures which are aimed at sculpting the body and aiding weight loss – but that’s where the comparison ends. The Vaser liposuction procedure and the installation of a gastric band couldn’t be more different, but many people hover between the two as they struggle to decide which procedure would suit them best. Let’s take a look at both of the techniques, and examine the benefits of each.
Gastric bands
A gastric band is a silicone device which is placed around the upper section of the stomach, effectively squeezing the space where food is stored and restricting the amount of food someone can eat without feeling uncomfortably full. Normally reserved for the morbidly obese, the last few years have seen more people than ever resort to gastric bands as a method of weight loss, even if they’re not in danger because of their weight.
The benefits of gastric banding are clear – it aids weight loss all over the body, not just in one site. But for those who want to target a specific area, the gastric band is not the correct option.
The process of inserting a gastric band is fairly intensive, and involves a complex surgical procedure where the patient will need to undergo general anaesthetic. Most people are well enough to leave the clinic or hospital within twenty-four hours of their gastric band surgery, but it can take up to six weeks for patients to be able to resume normal activity like exercising.
Less dangerous, more targeted, more affordable and less invasive – the Vaser liposuction procedure is a body reshaping procedure, rather than a weight loss method. It is often chosen for more cosmetic reasons, rather than reasons of overall health, and it’s great for reducing or removing stubborn areas of fat that don’t seem to have been affected by exercise or dieting.
Modern developments in liposuction mean that only local anaesthetic is required in many cases – some don’t need to undergo anaesthetic at all. The Vaser liposuction procedure is a relatively new development in the field – it uses ultrasound energy to break up fat in the body, before using gentle suction to remove it safely. This less invasive technique means less healing time, and the more targeting approach means that problem areas like inner thighs, ‘bingo wings’ and ‘mummy tummies’ can be taken care of with ease.
Patients opting for liposuction are reminded that putting on weight can reverse the effects of liposuction, so it’s recommended that they implement some form of exercise or healthy eating regimen in order to keep their body toned and sculpted long after the procedure.
The conclusion
Many people class liposuction and gastric banding within the same ‘weight loss procedure’ category – but in actual fact, the two procedures achieve totally different results. For a more intensive treatment that facilitates all-over weight loss, the gastric band is the right option. But for cosmetic overhauls, targeting problem areas and much lower recovery times, liposuction wins out.
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