There are a lot of myths and legends flying around about liposuction – and many of them are patently untrue. Here at Advanced Lipo Centre, we want to put these rumours to rest, so read on to find out how we debunk the most popular myths regarding liposuction.
Only women get liposuction
Wrong! Though women make up the larger portion of patients undergoing liposuction, the male market has grown rapidly in recent years. Statistics from across the pond say that male procedures are up 43% in the last five years, and with innovations like Vaser, men are using liposuction not just to shed fat, but to help sculpt their body into something more Adonis-like. Liposuction is for men and women!
Liposuction is a quick fix for the obese
Not necessarily true. Liposuction works best for those who are already within 30% of their target body weight – those who are unhealthily or morbidly obese would be better advised to get a gastric band or some other form of weight loss procedure. Liposuction is more about sculpting and shaping nowadays, with many patients altering the contours of their body rather than their overall weight.
Vaser liposuction prices are very expensive
Not always the case! As the technology develops and the treatments become more popular, Vaser liposuction prices fall – when liposuction first became popular, it was a very expensive treatment, but now you can get a high-quality procedure for as little as £1,500!
Liposuction is an alternative to diet and exercise
Definitely not true. Many doctors will only perform liposuction on their clients if they can prove a healthy and active lifestyle. Indeed, the surgeons here at Advanced Lipo Centre always advise patients to take up exercise before they undergo the procedure, to ensure muscle tone and shape when the fat is removed. It’s important to remember that lipo is a purely aesthetic procedure – it should only be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, or the results won’t be as prominent.
Liposuction is the most popular form of cosmetic surgery
Okay, you’ve got us on this one… this is true! Liposuction is far and away the most popular form of plastic or cosmetic surgery, largely because of the way it’s developed. In the past, it was a fairly invasive and drastic way to shape the body, but new developments nowadays mean that it’s minimally invasive, with small recovery times and excellent results. As the technology progresses, we expect even more people to turn to this wonderful sculpting option.
- What is the difference between Vaser Liposuction & the Other Methods of Liposuction
- Is Vaser Liposuction Permanent?
- Prepare Yourself for a Lipo Treatment
- Side Effects and After Effects of Vaser Liposuction
- How to Tighten Skin After Vaser Liposuction
- Vaser Liposuction for Arms
- Vaser Liposuction For The Abdomen/Stomach
- VASER Lipo Advantages Over Traditional Liposuction
- What is Vaser Lipo?
- What to Eat After Lipo
- VASER SHAPE MC1: Effective Solution Against Cellulite
- VASER Lipo 360 Leg Contouring
- Vaser Liposuction and Breast Cancer, All You Need to Know
- Vaser Lipo: A Great Alternative for Fat Removal
- Scars After Vaser Liposuction: What to Expect
- Post-pregnancy and Vaser liposuction: Getting your body back
- Male Chest Reduction – Gynecomastia Vaser liposuction
- How Much Fat Removal Is Safe With Vaser Liposuction?
- Back Fat and Vaser liposuction
- Vaser Liposuction: Anaesthesia challenges
- Upgrade Your Recovery with Compression Garmets by LIPOELASTIC
- Why Should You Get Vaser Liposuction on Your Face?
- Liposuction vs Gastric Bands
- 5 Vaser Hotspots That You Never Considered
- What Areas Of My Body Can I Target With Liposuction?
- Top 5 Myths about Liposuction
- Why Should You Get Vaser Liposuction On Your Arms?
- Why Should You Get Vaser Liposuction On Your Abs?
- How Much Does Vaser Liposuction Cost?
- VASER: What It Does, How It Works, And How You’ll See Great Results
- Men and Liposuction – A Fact Sheet
- Five Celebs that have Undergone Liposuction
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- Vaser, Recovery And Compression Garment
- Which Type Of VASER Should I Choose?
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- What You Need to Know about Liposuction
- Is VASER Lipo Safe?
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